Current Students

Memo 2: Student Clinical Evaluations

In order to achieve quality student advising and instruction, every student participating in clinical course work must receive a written evaluation of clinical performance each quarter.

Clinical evaluation of graduate students

All graduate-level clinical courses are designed for students to achieve course objectives within the quarter in which they are registered for the course. Clinical evaluations by course instructors must reflect student achievement of course objectives within this standard time frame.

Instructors of graduate students participating in clinical course work must write quarterly evaluations of student clinical performance, discuss them with the student, and submit a copy to the student file in Student and Academic Services (T-301, Box 357260). Instructors may use pre-designed clinical evaluation forms developed for the course, track, and/or program. These tools must be based on course objectives, track requirements, and/or national competencies and standards.

Clinical evaluation of baccalaureate students

Required clinical evaluation forms for baccalaureate students are due in Student and Academic Services (T-301, Box 357260) when grades are due each quarter. For each student, the instructor must submit the following forms, depending on the course:

  1. Essential Qualifications Evaluation Form (Memo 27)
    The instructor completes the form for every student in their section(s) of NCLIN 306, 403, 407, 409, 411, 416, or 418. In addition, each student completes the Essentials Qualification Evaluation form for each of these courses, evaluating themselves. All forms are signed by both instructor and student.
  2. Clinical Performance Evaluation Form
    The instructor completes evaluation forms specific to NCLIN 302, 306, 403, 407, 409, 411, 416 and 418 linked to the course syllabus. The evaluation forms comment on how the student has met course objectives, including areas of strength, unique attributes demonstrated in meeting course objectives, and areas needing practice and improvement. If a course uses two different clinical sites and/or has multiple instructors, each instructor should complete an evaluation form.
  3. Clinical Practicum Skills Form
    Quarterly, NCLIN 301, 306, 403, and 407 instructors complete this form for each student in the section. The instructor should give a copy of this form to the student in addition to sending a copy to Student and Academic Services. This form is important to the student as well as to the student’s prospective employer. When applying for a Nurse Technician position, the student submits copies of these forms to their prospective employer to provide information regarding their clinical experience to date.

Revised July 2014