Current Students

Final quarter & graduation

Final quarter requirements

MS requirements

Submit your committee paperwork before the quarter you’ll graduate

Your signed committee formation paperwork must be turned in by the end of the quarter before you intend to graduate. For more information about the forms that are required to set up your committee, refer to the Steps in the Selection of the Supervisory Committee.

Submit your degree request

You must submit your Master’s Degree Request online to the Graduate School by the end of the 9th week of the quarter in which you plan to complete your degree (end of the 8th week in Summer Quarter). Failure to file within this time frame will result in needing to pay a Graduate Registration Waiver Fee. You must pick up your Application for Degree (warrant) in Student and Academic Services, Room T-301 of the Health Sciences Building, prior to your final examination. Your supervisory committee must sign the warrant at the end of your exam.

NOTE: Although you can complete your thesis/project at any time in your course of study, your Master’s Degree Request should not be made, and your warrant and copies of your thesis, if applicable, are not to be turned in until your final quarter in the program. Presenting these materials to the Graduate School indicates to the Graduate School that you have completed your program of study.

Meet with your adviser and committee chair

Inform your adviser, if different from your supervisory committee chair, that you have submitted your request for a degree, and of your anticipated defense date. Verify that you have completed all of the course requirements for your program, as well as the Graduate School’s requirements.

Discuss any unfinished elements of your thesis or project with your committee chair. Ensure that you have met all School of Nursing scholarly project requirements.

Final quarter checklist

Turn in your paperwork to Student and Academic Services

  1. Signed Warrant for the Master’s Degree
  2. Signed Verification of Degree form
  3. Two copies of your abstract: one in hard copy and one electronically sent to (use the Sample Abstract as a guide)
  4. For scholarly projects ONLY: Completed and signed Master’s Project Initial Plan and Final Report
  5. MS Scholarly Inquiry Scale and the Master’s End of Program Evaluation, both completed online

Paperwork should be returned to Patrick Tufford in Student And Academic Services, room T-301. If you are presenting your project remotely, you only need to provide the electronic copy.


After your final exam

Turn in any assigned keys to the person who assigned them to you. Submit your Health Sciences photo ID and building access cards to Student and Academic Services in T-301. Relinquish your locker by contacting Classroom Services at 206.543.6729 or stopping by T-291A. Empty your student mailbox and remove your name from the box in T-441.

DNP requirements

Before your final quarter, review:

The following steps must be taken in the quarter you complete your degree:

  1. Register for at least 2 credits.
  2. Submit your request for your final oral exam to the Graduate School online via your MyGrad – Student View page at least two weeks before the exam is scheduled.  You will need the date, time, and room for your exam. This will be provided to you at the start of NMETH 801: Implementation.
  3. Be sure your final executive summary and poster drafts are uploaded to the NMETH 801 Course Website by the due date posted on the Assignment page.
  4. Bring with you to your oral defense:
    1. Your poster for presentation
    2. 1 hard copy of your Executive Summary
    3. Completed Doctoral Degree Completion form ready for committee signature. Please note whether or not the Final Project agency permits the final report to be placed in the School of Nursing DNP Final Project Library (to be shared as an exemplar with future students)
  5. Optional:  Register your project with the Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library.

Download Year 3 Group Advising PowerPoint

DNP group advising

PhD requirements

The following steps must be taken the quarter you complete your degree:

  1. Register for at least two credits.
    • If you are an international student, you may need to be registered for more than two credits. Please contact to learn more about registration requirements given your visa requirements.
  2. Email the quarter prior to graduating to share who will be the members of your reading committee. Copy your supervisory committee chair.
  3. Submit your request for your final exam to the Graduate School online via your MyGrad – Student View page at least 10 days before the exam is scheduled. You will need the date, time, and room of your exam, as well as the agreement of your committee members. Be sure all members of your committee have at least two weeks to read your final draft before the examination.
  4. Return all keys for offices/carrel rooms in the Health Sciences Building to PhD Student Program Adviser. Email to arrange a time to drop off the keys.
  5. Review the Graduate’s School final quarter timeline.
    1. Thoroughly review the Thesis/Dissertation guidelines, with special attention to the formatting guidelines.
    2. Note important Student dates and deadlines for submitting your dissertation on time.

Graduate certificate requirements

Meet with your adviser and committee chair

Inform your adviser, if different from your supervisory committee chair, that you have submitted your request for a degree, and of your anticipated defense date. Verify that you have completed all of the course requirements for your program, as well as the Graduate School’s requirements.

Discuss any unfinished elements of your thesis or project with your committee chair. Ensure that you have met all School of Nursing thesis or scholarly project requirements.

Turn in your paperwork to Student and Academic Services

Final quarter checklist:

  1. Signed Verification of Graduate Certificate Completion form
  2. Health Sciences photo identification badge and Access card
  3. Turn in any assigned keys to the person who assigned them to you
  4. Relinquish your locker by contacting HS Building Management at 206.543.6729 or stopping by T291A
  5. Empty your student mailbox and remove your name from the box in T-441


Cue your program director to verify your completion

The director of your graduate certificate program must send an e-mail to Patrick Tufford ( in Student and Academic Services with the following content:

Subject: Graduate certificate completion: [student last name]

  1. name of student
  2. student number
  3. code of your GCPAPN pathway (see below)
  4. “As of XX Quarter, 20XX, this student has met all requirements for the [NAME OF PATHWAY] (see below) Graduate Certificate Program in Advanced Practice Nursing. Please send this information to the Graduate School for transcripting.”
Code Program Name
APN 00 35 Infant Mental Health Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 05 35 Adlt Psych Mental Health NP Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 10 35 Infect Disease & Infect Cntrl Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 15 35 Adult Clinl Nurse Specialist Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 20 35 Nurse Educator Spec Trng Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 25 35 Forensic Nurse Specialist Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 30 35 Complmntary & Altrntve Med Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 35 35 Nurse Midwifery Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 40 35 Adult Nurse Practitioner Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg
APN 45 35 Environmental Health Grad Cert Prg Adv Prac Nsg

If your program director does not send Patrick this email, he cannot inform the Graduate School, and the graduate certificate will NOT be included on your transcript.

After graduation