Current Students

How to renew compliance requirements

Downloadable PDF: Compliance Renewal Checklist and Guide

Compliance Renewal Checklist

Ensure the following items are renewed upon initial submission:

1. Washington State Background Check – 1 year renewal

2. Background Check Disclosure Form (not the same as background check) – 1 year renewal

3. UW Privacy, Confidentiality, and Information Security Agreement Form (UW PCISA Form) – 1 year renewal

4. Health Insurance– 1 year renewal

5. BLS-AHA CPR Training– 2 year renewal

7. CPNW Modules– 1 year renewal

Note: All BSN/ABSN students must have a CPNW account and complete CPNW modules.

Only required for DNP students completing a clinical rotation at a site that mandates it. Verify on your site’s canvas onboarding page. If your site’s page does not mention a CPNW account, it’s not mandatory.

8. CPNW Clinical Passport– Quarterly renewal

9. RN license (Required for DNP students only – We are aware that RN licenses can only need renewed as early as 3 months to your expiration date. Please renew 2 weeks before your expiration date.)

10. Tuberculosis Screening– 1 year renewal

11. Tdap Vaccination– 10 year renewal

12. HEP B Vaccination (If you have not completed the HEP B series, you will follow the due dates provided to you on your Castle Branch UX64 tracker, not the compliance deadlines.)

*Additional requirements may be introduced at any time by the University of Washington, Health Science Immunization Program, and affiliated clinical sites of the UW School of Nursing to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and safety.

How to check if your items need renewals

While renewal periods are specified above, please note that compliance requirements may necessitate renewals up to 3 months prior to that period due to the following:


  • Clinical sites require proof of completion up to 6 weeks before the upcoming quarter/clinical rotation starts.
  • Document review processes can take an additional 2 weeks, involving extensive review by both the School of Nursing (SON) and clinical sites to ensure all requirements are met.


As a result, compliance deadlines typically fall 6-8 weeks before the quarter starts. Failure to renew promptly could lead to delays or even exclusion from clinical sites, as these deadlines are strictly enforced by the clinical sites.


Please ensure timely renewal of your compliance requirements as per the deadlines provided in your quarterly reminder document and on the SON Compliance & Clinical Onboarding website.

Checklist Guide

Please adhere to the following steps to ensure proper renewal of your compliance items:

All requirements mentioned must be current until the last day of each quarter which falls on the last day of final examination week. See UW Academic Calendar. Renewals must then be renewed by the compliance deadlines mentioned on your quarterly reminder document and/or the SON Compliance & Clinical Onboarding Page.

Need help filling out your clinical passport?

Visit our clinical passport tutorial page HERE.